Are you a teacher, school librarian, mother/father, or guardian to small children? You might want to know how to teach them to be smart about money. Here are some good ideas that could boost their sense of abundance when they grow. Many people believe (that includes me) that if you teach your children young they will will bring this until they grow up...handling money is one. How many of us learned how to budget our school allowance at young age? Is this part of our school subjects, not in my grade school nor high school. Maybe if I took Finance in college I would be able to understand more about it, but what about the million of students who never cross their minds to take Finance. Many people may be genius but being aware of their expense habit is a skill and takes a lot of practice to master it.
Lucky are the countries who have access to this learning program started by a mother in Chicago to teach small children the concept of money. It reached Singapore and Australia already. Hopefully this program will reach our country... but why wait? We can start our own program tailored to our current economical situation.
Teach Money Savvy ClassesLucky are the countries who have access to this learning program started by a mother in Chicago to teach small children the concept of money. It reached Singapore and Australia already. Hopefully this program will reach our country... but why wait? We can start our own program tailored to our current economical situation.
This blog entry will also give us tips and ideas to teach small children to save. Thanks to Rhea for sharing this with us. Wealthy Living
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