MOTHERHOOD: Are we Stuck?

Oh c'mon, it's 3am...I'm up and ready for anything.  On the other note, I just want to stay in bed while hubby is snoring and little man is pushing himself towards me (to feel comfort maybe).  For the longest time, I'm awake at 3am and can't go back to sleep. So for me to get sleepy again I though it would help to just turn on the laptop and read my (e)mail box, could that really help?  Well, I'd better do something to just listen to my hubby's snore, right?

I found this mail with subject 'Is your Child Stubborn' in my inbox and it got my attention.  It's not that my little man is stubborn but because there are times that he won't listen or simply want things his own way.  This led me to this article How to Get Your Kids To Listen To You.  Now I realized that he may be stuck at times, and so are we.  Yelling won't help at any cost but what if we don't have time to wait for him to move on.  We are using 'Timeout' strategy to let him realize what he has done, it looks like it's working most of the time but of course there are struggling days as well.  This is something new to try, it sounds similar to 'Timeout' anyway.  My only dilemma is that it could be time consuming and at his age would he understand what it means to be stuck. Well, I just have to give him time to take the bits and pieces and I personally need to practice the my 'mom's patience instinct''s patience must be overhauled as well.

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