MOTHERHOOD: Mom’s Striking Photo 3 Days After Giving Birth Sparks Honest Confessions

(Photo: Yahoo!)
This photo has gone viral and reached 15,000 times share. This is a photo of a new mom experiencing post-partum on the 3rd day after giving birth. 

She is Danielle Haines and she gave birth to her lovely son in November 2014. At first, the photo looks disturbing and very unhappy until you read the caption on her Facebook stating "This is a picture of me 3 days postpartum. I was so raw and so open, I was a f***ing mess. I loved my baby, I missed his daddy (he went back to work that day), I was mad at my mom, my heart hurt for my brother because my mom left us and now I had a little boy that looked like him, my nipples were cracked and bleeding, my milk was almost in, my baby was getting really hungry, I was feeling sad that people kill babies, like on purpose, I had not slept since I went into labor, I didn’t know how to put my boobs away, my vagina was sore from sitting on it while nursing constantly, I was kinda [losing] my mind.” 

Being pregnant is hard enough, more so if it's the first time.  You are on a whirlwind romance with hormones. Giving birth, nursing a child and feeling alone are tremendously nightmare. The photo may be distress but if we will look at it on a different perspective, it is moving. This photo shows that post-partum depression is happening and it is real. This represents how vulnerable a mother could get most especially if no one is beside her to go through all that is happening.  Giving birth is a happy occasion but when you are lonely and feel alone, it can be a disaster.  

So for all the moms-to-be and moms in the same situation, fellow mom here behind you and supporting you all the way.  You can do it:)

Her story was originally posted in Yahoo Parenting!

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