A Different Christmas (Part 3)

December 25 - We always spends this day with family, giving and receiving gifts from all, reunions right and left, absorbing a lot of calories is so common for this day. But what are we doing on a mountain on this day. It's totally different, exciting and breath taking, words I can only use to describe everything I felt during that day in once in a lifetime experience. Come and join me reminisce this wonderful day...

At Doi Suthep Temple - overlooking Chiang Mai City
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Can you see the airport?
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Hon, pang class-picture ang pose mo...
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Can you see the fog, that was taken at 12 noon, chillin cold-bbbbrrrrrr!!!
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Hon, pakatotoo ka magjacket ka na!!!
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Temple's stupa
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feeling photographer, me angle-angle pang nalalaman, hehehe!
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Can you see how clean is the floor, pede kang magsalamin...
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Hindi po yan Eiffle Tower, hihihi!
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Ang kinang-kinang, nakakasilaw!
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Ring all the bell for good luck, kakabingi!
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300 steps before entering Doi Suthep
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And that's how we celebrate our different Christmas this year.

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