
This word keeps ringing in my mind last night. How good is this word meant? It gives our superiors a good impression of ourself. It may also mean better pay at the end of the month or finishing our backlog maybe and the list goes on but does it mean putting your family behind too? My logic reminds me that we work for our loved ones- our family, but putting them at the back seat because we're working hard for them doesn't make any sense. Is it really for our family or for our own pride and convenience. Do they have to make an appointment just to spend some good times with us. They're not asking most of our time but it seems that everytime they will come for small chats, we feel bothered. Did it ever cross our minds that we spend more time in our workplace than at home. If we know what's happening around the office like why our colleague broke up with her boyfriend or why is our lunch buddy not coming to work or who is pregnant or when our department head isn't feeling well, we are much updated with the latest gossip but did we ever ask the people in our house how they are? If they're feeling alright or maybe ask how their day was. We need our "MYSELF" time and we can have this during our off days from work. We actually spend it by reading alone, going out with our friends, visiting the parlor, playing computer games, or updating our blogs maybe then at the end of the day here we are checking our office email when it's suppose to be our rest day. We forgot that we have children who is longing to play with us, a wife or husband who needs our attention, parents who are waiting for our visit. Workdays are 5 or 6 days in a week, our time for our family is the least that we have and yet we don't make the most out of it. When was the last time we played with our children? When was the last time we give a tender hug and kiss to your wife/husband? When was the last time you called your parents to ask how they are? When was the last time you went out with your bro/sis and catching things up? When was the last time you said "I Love You" to them and you truly meant it? They need us as much we need them but do we find time to make them feel it at least. Before we know it, we're running out of time to show them how we care, don't you think so? ...Is having a husband your colleague will make any difference?? This feeling of neglected is still eating me little by little, seeing him talking to his workmates and having a good laugh is killing me. I can't help but cry and feel sorry for my son if his dad will stay on like this forever.

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