Loving cooking, Loving eating...

I'd like to share these 2 websites from a fellow mom.  It will truly help me plan to try other recipes for my husband and little man.  I think I'll blog my food adventures as well to help other moms out there.  For the meantime, enjoy reading their blogs and I'll compile my daily recipe to share it with you...What's going on in Popcorn's Kitchen and Online diary of Familia Kiki

To start with, let me show you my week's menu:
Monday - Sinigang
Tuesday - Ampalaya con Carne
Wednesday - Spaghetti (it's little man's 18th month)
Thursday -Paksiw na Besugo
Friday - Ginisang Monggo

Usually, weekends are 'Free Days' since we normally goes out and dine at our fave restaurants.  If occasional stay-at-home weekends, I would prepare what's left in my fridge or call for delivery.  There are times that we host a small dinner or merienda for friends.  We normally go to wet market on a Saturday morning so it's easy to catch up if we run out of something and we intend to stay indoor.

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