MOTHERHOOD: How to Deal with a Defiant child: 10 Strategies That Work

I found this article helpful and I feel it might be worthy to share with my readers.  I am raising a boy and we are at the stage that he's strong willed  and really pushing at what he wants.

The author recommends these 10 strategies.
1. Walk away when angry.  Your anger will not help the situation.

2.  Let the child speak up and express his feelings.  Scolding will make the situation worse.

3. Appreciate the child when he is in his best behavior.  I remember my co-teacher told me not to say "good boy/girl", instead say "good job".  Those are two totally different meaning.

4.  Choose what is needed to be compromised and what situations needs a tough "NO".  The rest might not be needed to be discussed at all.

5.  If you are about to compromise, work with your child on how to find solutions.

6. Don't just preach.  Do and show what you tell your child what to exactly do.

7.  Show your child that mommy and daddy makes mistakes too and they know how to apologize, even to small children.  Otherwise, you might be teaching your child to be proud and arrogant.

8.  If you feel your child is with bad company, get him out of the pack.  Surrounding your child with courteous and disciplined children will always be better.

9. Do not only mention the naughty boy that he is.  Tell him too the good things he does.  When you keep on mentioning his negative behavior, it stays in his sub conscious and it can cause his self-esteem to go down.

10.  Never judge his choices.  As parents, we can discuss and explain the consequences of his choices.  From there, we can guide them to think and choose the better one.

As for me, I find that giving him choices makes the meltdown episodes better.  He feels that he has the capacity to make decisions for himself and that makes him think twice.  So far, it works.

These strategies gives me more techniques on challenging situations with him.

I like this quote mentioned in the article.  "The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Click here for the complete article.

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